Sunday, December 7, 2008

Surya: Extracting Meniran

People who have THE HIV / AIDS now get a new hope in improving the healing. Based on the initial findings from the Clinical Pathology, Faculty of Medicine, Airlangga University Surabaya, the opportunities people with HIV / AIDS to recover increased combines treatment with antiretroviral therapy by using adjuvants ektrak meniran or phylanthus.

As expressed DR.Drs.Suprapto Ma'at, APT, MS, in Jakarta, Thursday (21 / 8), ektrak meniran potentially increase the expectations of the healing HIV / AIDS because it can be proven to increase the rate of one type of cell defense body Limfosit T -- especially helper T cells (Th cell).

Extracting meniran for people with HIV / AIDS is as adjuvants, particularly to improve the T-helpernya.

I will plan to menelitinya further and very sure the results will be better, says DR. Suprapto discussion in Long-Term Research Collaboration and Industrial Pharmacy, which initiated PT. Dexa-Medica.

Ektrak menir, clearly Suprapto, in principle, can be used as a therapy adjuvants in the treatment of infections such as infection be naughty viruses, fungi infection, bacterial infection, infection disease intraseluler and other chronic.

Adjuvants means help in overcoming an infection. In addition to the standard drug given, plus the concept.

With therapy adjuvants, the process of healing the disease can more quickly and more important is the process kekambuhan, "said the researchers who obtained the award of Technology BJ Habibie Award in 2008 for research on plant aplikatifnya about Meniran to Stimuno it.
Unique case
DR.Suprapto confidence in the prospects will be bright esktrak meniran treatment for AIDS, the more round after he found cases of Th cells increased significantly in a patient in hospitals Dr. Soetomo, Surabaya recently.

Several months ago, there was a patient of origin Dagupan who is also a children's doctor womb.

Pain experienced by patients is not initially known cause, but the last three months the body temperature is never below 39 degrees centigrade, he said.

This patient, further DR Suprapto, had suffered suspected enfeksi malaria and TB, but treatment unremitting efforts membuahan results.

The team consists of doctors that some experts eventually concluded that the patient is immune to the problem, so that should be examined limfositnya rate - especially Th cells (T-helper or CD4 +).

Th Tuesday to activate this function and set the other cells in the immune system (for example limfosit B, makrofag and limfosit T sitotoksik) all of which help destroy malignant cells and foreign organisms.

The results of T-helper appeared to indicate that the measure is very low, namely 52, which can be categorized as AIDS patients already have advanced stadium.

Doctors and provide extracts with the addition of manira dose gradually every month and the number of Th cells continue to increase eventually return to normal before entering the third month.

With this case, there are plans to research the use of extracts meniran among patients with HIV / AIDS, especially AIDS, he said.

DR Suprapto also has to ask Dr. Soetomo hospitals to help patients with HIV / AIDS are not able to provide extracts filantus as adjuvants with drug therapy atretroviral.

"I'm sure extracts menir will be able to help, not treat, cure HIV / AIDS. Or at least improve the quality of life and extend the age people, he said.

Source :

1 comment:

Ventrasys said...

Ada yang tau gak kenapa Magic Johnson (mantan pebasket NBA) yang dulu divonis AIDS, tetapi hingga sekarang masih sehat dan malah tambah gemuk? Apa dia sembuh ya?