Red Juice (Phaleria papuana/Froot Oil) come [from] Papua gives big expectation for pengidap HIV/AIDS. A number of patients HIV/AIDS that has consumed that juice feels health condition experiences of significant change.
University Lecturer Cendrawasih Papua I Made Budi tells that thing to Media held an interview with Metro TV, yesterday. ”Agustina, 22, a pengidap HIV/AIDS, its body weight initialy 27 singks, after consume red fruit, go up become 42 singks,” jelasMade. According to Made, research to red juice or called kuansu by local society become medicine HIV/AIDS not intentional. At the beginning he/she witnesses red fruit that wt. 15 singk and lengths reach 1 m that taken society Wamena upon which food.
Moment of University lecturer Cendrawasih keep a close watch ons in the reality society about/around seldom that infected cancercous, heart, and hypertension. ”At that time I anticipate that jarangnya disease that suffered society Wamena relate to fruit is referred [as].”
Made still have not yet interests to conduct furthermore research. Nevertheless at 1982, he/she continues s-2 education in area of Gizi Masyarakat in Institute Pertanian Bogor. At that time he/she examines natural content from red fruit.
Return to Wamena, Made continues its research
After red soybean cake of fruit content contains many antioksidans, betakarotin, Omega 3 and 9, and much other substances worthwhile improve body durability, he/she starts conduct experiment at poultry.
According to Made, 30 poultry tails that given red juice capsule in the reality not hit virus. Though, at that time virus that attack poultry.
From test-drive result to poultry referred [as], Made even also gives that juice to patient of blood-vessel acid, high cholesterol, and cancer. ”Some neighbours my that hit my cancer red juice berry. Its growth very nice,” he said.
Made continues develop research by undertaking bibliography study that in America, beta karotin is used for medication of lung cancer. Beta karotin by it self frequently exist ons red juice. Even totalize beta karotin at red fruit reach 12.000 ppms. ”From situlah I conclude red fruit [it is true] nice used for food and at the same time health,” he/she said.
Six-month last, institute nonpemerintah Yayasan Pengembangan Public health (YKPM) Papua consorts a pengidap HIV/AIDS, that is Agustina to Made. Agustina are even also given red juice that has been cut fine vegetables special. In the reality after consume for two month, its health condition better.
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9 months ago