Saturday, September 22, 2007

Killer Number 1


Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). HIV is the virus that causes AIDS
(acquired immunodeficiency syndrome). It weakens your body's ability to fight
off disease. As your body's immune system weakens, illnesses begin to develop
until you can no longer fight them off. Symptoms may take years to develop
and may include unusual infections, unexplained fatigue, night sweats and
weight loss.

Herpes. Symptoms start with tingling or itching around your genitals. Small
blisters may form in the area and then pop open. When this happens, you might
feel burning, especially when urinating. The sores then turn to scabs. During
the first outbreak, you might have swollen glands, fever and body aches. But
some people don't have such obvious symptoms. Outbreaks may occur for the
rest of your life, but usually become less frequent and less painfulwith time.

Syphilis. Early signs include a chancre (a painless, red sore). The sores may
appear where you were touched during sex, including your genitals, anus,
tongue and throat. The glands near the chancre may swell. A few months later,
you may have a fever,sore throat, and headache, not feel hungry or have joint
pain. A scaly rash may appear on the palms of your hands and the soles of
your feet. After these symptoms pass, you may not have any symptoms for a
number of years. When the symptoms return, the infections can affect the
brain, spinal cord, and skin and bone.

Gonorrhea and chlamydia are both bacteria. The symptoms of gonorrhea and
chlamydia are very similar. Men and women often complain of a discharge,
frequent urination, or burning when they urinate. In gonorrhea the discharge
is often white, in chlamydia the discharge is usually clear. Very often
people may not have any symptoms! Both gonorrhea and chlamydia are spread
by coming in contact with the discharge. If a woman is not treated for either of
these diseases, it could lead to a severe infection in her reproductive
organs which could cause infertility.

Genital warts are caused by a virus called the Human Papilloma Virus. The
warts can be removed, but the person will have the virus for the rest of
their life. It is very common for the warts to reappear after they have been
removed. This disease is spread by coming in contact with the wart, but often
the warts cannotbe seen. Genital warts can have very different appearances.
This woman is not pregnant
she has hepatitis B and is suffering from liver cancer
(average life expectancy after diagnosis of liver cancer is 6 months)

Hepatitis B.speards through sexual contact. Symptoms may include muscle
aches, fever, tiredness, loss of appetite, headache and dizziness. As the
disease worsens, you may have dark urine, loose, light-coloured stools,
yellow eyes and skin, and tenderness in the liver area (just below the ribs
on the right side). Hepatitis B can be fatal if it leads to liver failure or
liver cancer.









This Page is created in the "Hopes" and an "Attempt" to save
some lives..Brotha`s and Sista`s... Our People are dying and the sad part
about it is you are doing it to yourself by not being RESPONSIBLE...

Practice Safe Sex or NO Sex with 3rd PARTY &
STRANGERS; it`s a Life saver Decision!